Our Venue

Lille, France

With its gabled brick houses, tall belfries and cuisine featuring mussels and chips, Lille is a fascinating blend of French and Flemish. But it is also a dynamic city with a young student population, an adventurous year-round cultural scene and plenty of lively bars and estaminets (a bistro-pub crossover)

How to get there

Hop on the hour-long train from Paris Gare du Nord and book as far in advance as possible to get the best prices. Make sure to check your return ticket carefully, trains leave from either Lille-Flandres or Lille-Europe, which are 400m apart. 


3 rue de la Digue

59000 Lille - France


Click here for some suggestions of places to stay in Lille.

IÉSEG School of Management is very pleased to be hosting the SIETAR Europa Congress in 2024 on its Lille Campus. IÉSEG and SIETAR France have collaborated for a number of years, and it seemed like a natural progression for the school to become involved with SIETAR Europa, especially given our focus on diversity and sustainability.

IÉSEG School of Management is proud to be one of the world’s very select circle of Schools that have been awarded the triple accreditation EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA. Its vision of “Empowering Changemakers for a Better Society” and its mission “to educate managers to be inspiring, intercultural, and ethical pioneers of change” is a good fit with the vision and mission of SIETAR.

IÉSEG, in conjunction with the Center of Excellence for Intercultural Engagement (ICIE), seeks to foster the development of cultural intelligence (CQ) in all of its stakeholders through training and research and so contribute to fulfilling the vision and the mission of the school.

We hope you will have a great Congress, and we look forward to welcoming you to our recently opened IÉSEG village.

IESEG Campus

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