Congress Programme

We are living in tumultuous times. Some people are asking questions that have surfaced at other times in history, yet, at the same time, they appear to be unprecedented and overwhelming.

The 2024 SIETAR Europa Congress wants to explore how the Intercultural Field connects and expands from its origins in academic traditions around anthropology, linguistics, psychology and ethnography towards new solutions for problems that are emerging.

The Congress will give space for difficult conversations that address the roots of divisions, animosities and violence. Participants will learn from each other practical ways in which we can advance communication, co-creation and constructive dialogue; together.

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This shared learning will start before we even begin our journey to Lille.

In the weeks before the Congress, participants can take part in virtual learning opportunities such as:

★ a workshop on Cultural Reflexivity – a practical approach for training, coaching and consulting in today's complexity by Gesa Kramer and Kirsten Nazarkiewicz

★ a deep dive on Beyond WEIRD: A Deep Culture Approach to Intercultural Education by Joseph Shaules and Ishita Ray

★a Virtual Keynote Presentation by Nadine Lamouri-Bajja.

The SIETAR Europa Congress begins on June the 5th, 2024 in the evening with an opening reception.  On the 6th, 7th and 8th we will learn, explore and challenge each other. 

Session Schedule

If you are registered for the Congress, log in to view details of each session.

Click here for further information about the Pre-Congress Workshops on 4-5 June

Select option

21. Mai 2024

31. Mai 2024

3. Juni 2024

4. Juni 2024

5. Juni 2024

6. Juni 2024

7. Juni 2024

8. Juni 2024

The Congress will end with the biggest party of interculturalists that Europe has ever seen!

Congress App

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Event Code - lille24