ISIRC 2024 - Bern, Switzerland

2 – 4 September 2024

We invite academic researchers, policy makers, and practitioners to attend the 16th International Social Innovation Research Conference (ISIRC) in Bern, Switzerland. ISIRC is organized by the Bern University of Applied Sciences and is scheduled to be held at the Business School from September 2-4, 2024.

ISIRC aims to bring together practitioners, policy makers, and scholars from diverse fields interested in social innovation and entrepreneurship. We invite scholars from a variety of disciplines – including social work, management, technology, design, education, sociology, psychology, engineering, etc. – to join us in initiating new debates and developing new solutions to the multiple grand challenges we face.

Important dates

Submission of extended abstract:

March, 27th 2024 (Extended to April, 05th)

Notification of decision:

April, 30th 2024

Registration open:

February, 15th 2024

Early registration deadline: 

June, 30th 2024

Final date for registration payment:

August, 18th 2024

Keynotes from...

Flor Avelino

Flor Avelino is a researcher and lecturer on just sustainability transitions and social innovation. She is currently a full professor of Organisations & Sustainability at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development at Utrecht University. Previously, she worked at the Dutch Research Institute for Transitions (DRIFT) and at the Department of Public Administration & Sociology at Erasmus University Rotterdam. With a background in political science, she specialises in power theories and has a particular interest in how people, organisations and networks are (dis)empowered to contribute to just sustainability transitions.

Gorgi Krlev

Gorgi Krlev is Associate Professor of Sustainability at ESCP Business School in Paris. He also holds a Visiting Professorship at Politecnico di Milano and is a Visiting Fellow at Kellogg College, University of Oxford. In his research, he deals with social entrepreneurship, social innovations and impact, with a particular focus on how cross-sector collaborations and new field emergence promote societal transformations and contribute to addressing environmental and social sustainability challenges. He has won several awards for his research, teaching and impact work, and is most excited about the intersection of these three core academic activities. His key research outputs include: Social Innovation: Comparative Perspectives (Routledge, open access -- Best book award from the Public and Non-profit Division of the Academy of Management) and Social Economy Science: Transforming the Economy & Making Society More Resilient, just published by Oxford University Press (open access).

Johanna Mair

Johanna Mair is a distinguished professor of Organization, Strategy, and Leadership at the d Hertie School in Berlin. Widely recognized as an expert in social innovation, her research has been featured in several prestigious academic journals. In addition to her academic responsibilities, she serves as the editor for the Stanford Social Innovation Review and co-director of the Global Innovation for Impact Lab, where she influences discourse and practice  on social innovation. Her expertise is sought after by both companies and governments, and she has received numerous awards for her work, including being named a "Faculty Pioneer" by the Aspen Institute.

Sophie Bacq

Sophie Bacq is Professor of Social Entrepreneurship at IMD in Switzerland. A globally recognized thought leader in social entrepreneurship and change, Sophie investigates and theorizes about entrepreneurial action aiming to solve intractable social and environmental problems, at the individual, organizational, and civic levels of analysis. Sophie has published over 40 articles in top-tier management and entrepreneurship journals, for which she has received multiple awards. She also serves as a Field Editor for the Journal of Business Venturing, and is a member of the Editorial Review Boards of the Academy of Management Journal, Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, and Journal of Management. Sophie is the Co-Director of The Annual Social Entrepreneurship Conference, and Lead Faculty of the award-winning Annual Social Entrepreneurship Doctoral Seminar.

Bern, a city to enjoy

Apart from academic and professional activities, participants will also have the opportunity to enjoy the wonderful charm of Bern. Bern is Switzerland's capital and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It's an inviting city with a historic Old Town, stunning scenery, and close to beautiful mountains. There are lots of things to do during your visit. We're excited to have you in Bern in September 2024!

Campus Business School

Old Town Berne

Swiss Alps from Berne